Edukos Abroad

Canada Decides to Double its Immigrant Intake by 2025

For students looking to further their studies in Canada, this is fantastic news!

The federal government of Canada has declared its aims to expand immigration and anticipates five lakh persons by 2025. “We have not seen such a focus on economic migration as we have seen in this immigration levels plan,” said Sean Fraser, Canada’s minister of immigration.

The Canadian government planned this action in response to issues that developed in the nation’s economic sector. There are much more job opportunities than job searchers due to the severe labour shortage. Canada is accepting a big number of immigrants to help with this problem. Fraser also mentioned in his interview with the Canadian press that “there were a million jobs available in the Canadian economy at a time when immigration already accounts for nearly all of our labour force growth.”

He also noted that as Canada’s labour force ages, there are fewer workers available to care for the elderly and work for public institutions like hospitals and schools. The economy has to be stimulated most of all. Fraser added, “We cannot support immigration if we do not want to maximise our economic potential.”

The number of immigrants the administration anticipates entering the country will start at 465,000 in 2023 and reach 500,000 in 2025. They also anticipate that the 1 million vacant positions in various economic sectors will be roughly filled by the newcomers. According to information from the immigration service, 405,000 people became citizens last year. Fraser further stated that the initiative will ease the strain on Canada’s limited labour supply. By solving the scarcity of tradespeople, they can make it possible for additional homes to be built.

Canada is home to top-notch educational institutions with reasonable tuition costs and high-quality instruction. Your chances of enrolling in one of the best colleges in the world will increase as a result of the Canadian government’s recent decision to welcome more immigrants. Additionally, the government has noted that there are many open positions in a variety of economic areas. Therefore, going to school in Canada will also aid in your career search.

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